定位: 在耳甲艇內(nèi),耳輪腳上方后部
主治: 十二指腸潰瘍、幽門痙攣
Point : Duodenum (MA-SC1)
Locations at the posterior part of the superior aspect of the helix crus
Indications duodenal ulcer, pylorospasm
定位: 在耳甲艇內(nèi),耳輪腳上方中部
主治: 消化不良、腹痛
Point : Small Intestine (MA-SC2)
Locations at the middle part of the superior aspect of the helix crus
Indications indigestion, abdominal pain
定位: 在耳甲艇內(nèi),大、小腸兩穴之間
主治: 單純性闌尾炎,腹瀉
Point : Appendix (MA-SC3)
Locations midway between Small Intestine and Large Intestine
Indications simple appendicitis, diarrhea
定位: 在耳甲艇內(nèi),耳輪腳上方前部
主治: 腹瀉、便秘
Point : Large Intestine (MA-SC4)
Locations at the posterior part of the superior aspect of the helix crus
Indications diarrhea, constipation, cough, acne
定位: 在耳甲艇的后下部
主治: 脅痛、眩暈、月經(jīng)不調(diào)
Point : Liver (MA-SC5)
Locations on the posterior and interiorborder of the cymba conchae
Indications hypochondriac pain, dizziness, irregular menstruation
定位: 在耳甲艇內(nèi),肝、腎兩穴之間
主治: 膽襄炎、膽石癥、急性胰腺炎
Point : Pancreas-GB (MA-SC6)
Locations between Liver and point Kidney
Indications Pancreasitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis
定位: 在耳艇內(nèi),對耳輪上下腳分叉處下方
主治: 腰痛、耳鳴、腎盂腎炎、遺尿、月經(jīng)不調(diào)、遺精
Point : Kidney (MA-SC)
Locations on the lower border of the inferior antihelix crus directly above Small Intestine 醫(yī)學(xué)全在線www.med126.com
Indications lumbago, tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness, enuresis, irregular mense
定位: 在耳甲艇內(nèi),腎與膀胱兩穴之間
主治: 輸尿管結(jié)石絞痛
Point : Ureter (MA-SC7)
Locations between Kidney and point Bladder
Indications colic pain of the ureter calculus
定位: 在耳甲艇內(nèi),腎與艇角穴之間
主治: 膀胱炎、遺尿、尿潴留
Point : Bladder (MA-SC8)
Locations between Kidney and Angle of Cymba Concha
Indications cystitis, retention of urine, enuresis
定位: 在耳甲艇上角處
主治: 前列腺炎、尿道炎
Point : Angle of Cymba Concha (MA-SC)
Locations at the anterior superior angle of cymba conchae
Indications prostatitis, urethritis
定位: 在耳甲艇中央
主治: 腹痛、腹脹
Point : Middle Cymba Conchae (MA-SC)
Locations in the middle of the cymba conchae
Indications abdominal pain, abdominal distention |